XE News
Hints & Tips
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Welcome to XE Zone!

This space is a meeting place for the exchange of GAPbuster news and views. There's a host of helpful and engaging tips, feature articles, resources and links for mystery shoppers. We trust you find it an informative and engaging place to be. ( )

What's this all about then..?

XE News - provides you with the latest news on anything that's relevant to mystery shopping. This month our lead article explains the upcoming online training program.

Hints & Tips - Not surprisingly, GAPbuster loves reliable mystery shoppers. We encourage you to learn from mystery shopping masters, past and present. Check out their handy hints, tips and secrets.

Competitions - Do you consider yourself to be an outstanding mystery shopper? Well... why not put yourself to the test?? Enter GAPbuster's mystery shopper of the month competition.

FAQ's - A million and one (well not quite - but we're getting there) typical questions answered.

Useful Links - A spot to find handy mystery shopping resources.


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